Forest Hill Leaders
Best Practices
The role of the mentor can seem overwhelming. It is one that puts you in a place to share more of yourself than you are used to doing. That's why we've put together some very practical dos and don'ts to serve as guard rails in the relationship with your mentee.
In summary, be who you are, and share what you have experienced. Let your mentee see how you live, think, act, pray, and serve. You are not responsible for change in his/her life. That lies with God, and He will be faithful.

Listen well and speak less.
This helps you get to know your mentee more each time you are together.

Facilitate conversation
by asking open ended questions and encouraging dialogue.

toward the goal of being more like Jesus. Coach them on how to get to the answer rather than giving them the answer yourself.

Be present.
Give the time you have scheduled to your mentee to him/her. Set your phone aside.

Initiate relationship.
Set up a routine meeting schedule.

Love your mentee.
Ask God to develop an admiration in you for who your mentee is as a person. Love them when they disappoint you or seem to fail to grow—God is working in ways we can't see.

Parent your mentee.
Some people are looking for a better mom or dad than they have known. Help them honor their parent(s) and see that his/her parent(s) did the best they could. Encourage them to forgive and look toward Jesus as their parental figure.

Become a counselor.
You’re not your mentee’s professional counselor. If you see or hear emotional hurt from his/her past, encourage them to reach out to Care & Counseling (704.716.8775).

Become a personal business consultant.
Try to stay out of the details of his/ her job. Your goal is to help them grow in relationship with Jesus.

Project your life onto his/her life.
No matter how similar your life stories may be, God is doing a unique work in his/her life.