Forest Hill Leaders
Life Groups
Helping the NEXT person take their NEXT step in their relationship with Jesus
What is a Life Group?
Life Groups are small groups of people who meet regularly to grow in their relationships with Jesus and each other. They study the Bible, pray, serve their communities and live as ambassadors so the next person can take their next step in knowing Jesus. Choosing community and being in a Life Group is one of the best ways to grow in your faith at Forest Hill.

What do Life Groups do?
Over the course of two years together Life Groups will explore what it means to:
Experience the Gospel
What is the Gospel and how does it shape our identity and the world?
What are spiritual rhythms that will help us grow in the dynamic life in Christ?
Engage in Community
What makes a gospel-centered community unique?
What does the Bible say about how we relate to one another?
How has God uniquely designed each person for a purpose in the group and in their communities?
Equip One Another as Kingdom Ambassadors:
How do you share your story so people who don’t know Jesus can hear the Gospel and take a next step in knowing Him?
How do we actively actively invest in the Kingdom with our time, treasure and talents?
What does a Life Group Leader do?
Provide a safe, consistent place for people to grow together in their relationship with Jesus and one another
Encourage people to live as Ambassadors and Invest in the Kingdom in the places where they live, work. learn and play.
What is a Life Group Leader’s Commitment?
Leading weekly or bi-weekly group meetings (usually 1 – 2 hours)
Praying and preparing for each group meeting (about 1 hour/meeting)
Engaging with Forest Hill Staff for ongoing leader development (around 4x year)
Committing to lead your group for 2 years