Every Man a Warrior: 3 Book Series
“Book 1, Walking with God, teaches the skills of quiet time, meditating on Scripture, Prayer, and Application. It helps men confront those issues that keep them from growing in their Christian faith. These skills are then used and developed in the practical topics of the next two books.”
“Book 2, Marriage and Raising Children, trains a man how to practically give up his life for his wife. It equips him to have a successful one-on-one time with his children. Book 2 of the Every Man a Warrior series has a special emphasis on raising teenagers.
Book 3, covers things like money, sex, work, and how hard times can sometimes be overwhelming. No man wants to fail, but few men feel equipped to fight and win in the battles they face.
Available from Amazon or ChristianBook.com in paperback
Lonnie Berger